

We welcome applications from international students from all over the world. We encourage well-qualified international students who desire an excellent education in a Christian community to apply for our bachelor’s degree 项目.

The following requirements must be met before a student can be fully accepted into 希望国际大学:

  1. 入学申请. 您可以:
    • 在线申请 (你必须有信用卡来支付50美元的申请费)或者
    • 下载 填好申请表,交50美元的申请费
  2. 两种参考表格: 教会领袖推荐表格教育工作者/雇主推荐表格
  3. 个人陈述. Write a one page (at least 350 words) composition explaining your desire to attend 希望国际大学. 包括:
    • 你为什么选择在HIU学习
    • The influence of your family 和 church on your decision to attend HIU
    • How you see your educational goals as being useful in advancing the mission of Christ
    • What factors are most important to you in making a final college choice?
  4. 学历资格证明. 考虑录取的学术要求是:
    • 美国最低相当于2分.高中(中学)平均绩点(GPA).
    • 美国最低相当于2分.0 college (post secondary school) grade point average (GPA) -- for a transfer student.

    Official high school (secondary school) 和/or university transcripts must be sent directly from the school or institution. 原件必须是英文. We accept translations from any recognized official translation agency with their seal of authenticity 和 accuracy. 不接受个人翻译.

    All foreign transcripts must be sent to an agency for evaluation according to the United States grading system. Student athletes must send their transcript to InCred International Credentail Evaluations. 对于所有其他胜博发体育app, we recommend the following International Academic Credential Evaluation 服务: 世界教育服务, 美国教育研究公司, 全球服务协会, 国际教育研究基金会, 学历评估机构. 成绩单评估费用将由胜博发体育app支付.

  5. 英语语言能力证明 - Students must meet one of the following (note: Hope's testing code is 4614):
    • 托福(作为外语的英语考试)
      • 新托福网考
      • 雅思(国际英语语言测试系统.5 .整体范围带,带6.最低分0分
    • SAT成绩达到或超过900分,或者
    • ACT成绩不低于20分,或者
    • A year of university credit earned (24 credits) 和 approved by the 希望国际大学 Registrar. (For example: course transfer credit, International Baccalaureate, A-level examination marks). 这些学分必须证明你的英语水平.
  6. 经济资助证明 - Students must be able to verify they have the financial ability to support their stay in the U.S. 我们要求:
    • An 经济支持宣誓书 form
    • A current bank statement or official letter from the bank verifying funds to meet expenses for one year as indicated on the 经济支持宣誓书.
  7. SEVIS申请表格 (适用于没有有效SEVIS记录的首次F-1签证胜博发体育app)或 转账申请表格 (for transfer students with a current F-1 visa 和 a SEVIS record at another U.S. 机构).
  8. 胜博发体育app健康史及保险评估
  9. 申请宿舍
  10. 转胜博发体育app参考资料 - 转学 Only (students transferring from another university to 希望国际大学)
  11. Pay the $550 International Student Deposit - Please see the "申请签证" tab for more information

International students are eligible for consideration of academic or athletic scholarships. Students of 希望国际大学 cannot receive both an academic 和 athletic scholarship.

It is 希望国际大学's policy that all international students pay all tuition, 房间, 伙食费和杂费 in advance of enrollment for classes for their initial semester.

Hope reserves the right to require one full academic year of tuition before issuing an I-20 document. 至少, 为了获得I-20,必须支付550美元的初始保证金 . 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 查询支付订金的指示. This advance payment will remain on 胜博发体育app’s account until 胜博发体育app arrives at Hope 和 will be used towards the first semester of tuition, 房间, 伙食费和杂费. 这笔押金不予退还.

胜博发体育app到达校园时,他或她将被要求 支付本学期的剩余学费, 房间, 董事会, 以及上课前的费用. Following the required deposits 和 payments within the first semester, 国际胜博发体育app要交学费, 房间, 伙食费和杂费 in full for each subsequent semester in order for registration to be processed.

在你被霍普录取并交了定金之后 . . .

  1. 您将收到I-20(适用于F-1胜博发体育app)
    • The Designated School Official (DSO) will send you a document known as the Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status (I-20 for short!) We cannot send you an I-20 until you are accepted 和 make your deposit. 希望国际大学是美国政府要求的大学.S. 联邦法律通过书面申请来决定你, 胜博发体育app, 在学术上合格, 语言, 以及在大学攻读学术课程的资金.
    • Please allow 3 weeks from the time you have been accepted 和 made your deposit to receive your I-20 .
  2. 申请F-1签证. 完成 在线非移民签证申请(DS-160)
    • 在收到I-20之前不预约面试吗/DS-2019! 虽然I-20/DS-2019可能会在存款后一周内到达您手中, 邮件服务可能会有延误. 如果你需要连夜或催促你的I-20/DS-2019, 希望保留要求胜博发体育app补交费用的权利.
    • If you are curious as to how long it may take you to make an appointment with the U.S. 领事馆或大使馆,见 签证等待时间 网站.
  3. 当你收到你的I-20后,与移民局预约面谈 U.S. 领事馆或大使馆 在你的区域.
    • 在收到I-20之前不预约面试吗 ! Although the I-20 may reach you within a week of your deposit, 邮件服务可能会有延误. 如果你需要连夜或赶I-20 , 希望保留要求胜博发体育app补交费用的权利.
    • If you are curious as to how long it may take you to make an appointment with the U.S. 领事馆或大使馆,见 签证预约等待时间.
  4. 支付I-901费用 在线. Be sure to keep the payment receipt to take to your interview appointment!
  5. 收集所有必要的文件,带着去面试.
    • I-20表格(请务必在第一页签名)
    • 非移民签证申请,表格DS-160,确认页
    • 签证申请费收据
    • I-901费用收据
    • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the 在线 Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the prescribed format.
    • 前往美国的有效护照
    • Documentary evidence of financial support (such as a sponsor or school scholarship letter)
    • 证明,原始银行对账单或收入表
    • 希望国际大学录取通知书
    • 托福或雅思成绩报告
    • Any information that proves that you will return to your home country after finishing your studies in the U.S. This may include proof of property, family, or other ties to your community.
  6. 放松,为一场精彩的面试做好准备! 准备好诚实而彻底地回答所有问题, 包括你将在美国学习的内容.S. 你将如何支付你的学费. 如果你获得了签证, keep all of the above documents plus your visa to show when you enter the United States.
  7. 请与国际胜博发体育app项目办公室联系 (电子邮件保护) 让我们知道你的签证面试结果! 也请让我们知道你的旅行安排, when you will arrive at Hope 和 if you would like us to meet you at the airport. 如果您想让我们在机场接您,请发电子邮件给 ISP的办公室 航空公司的名称, 您的航班号, 并且到达日期和时间至少提前两周. The earliest you can arrive in the United States is 30 days before the program start date on your I-20.
  8. 当你到达Hope时,请联系 ISP的办公室 预约你的志愿服务主任进行SEVIS登记.

获得美国胜博发体育app签证的小贴士 (可列印的PDF文件).

签证小贴士及资源 (可列印的PDF文件)

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